Our Team Fundraising Page

We're excited to be a part of this amazing endeavor to support children and their families through Communities In Schools! As Rotarians, our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. We support education for all children and literacy for children and adults. Founded in 1912, District 5840 has grown to 57 clubs with over 2,000+ members.

Rotarians make amazing things happen, like:

Opening schools: In Afghanistan, Rotary members opened a girls’ school to break the cycle of poverty and social imbalance.

Teaching adults to read: Rotary members in the United States partnered with ProLiteracy Detroit to recruit and train tutors after a study showed that more than half of the local adult population was functionally illiterate.

New teaching methods: The SOUNS program in South Africa, Puerto Rico and the United States teaches educators how to improve literacy by teaching children to recognize letters by sounds instead of names.

Making schools healthy: Rotarians are providing clean, fresh water to every public school in Lebanon so students can be healthier and get a better education.

Enhancing educational systems: In Kenya, Rotary clubs are working with the Global Partnership for Education and local and national governments to advance life-long learning opportunities for poor and marginalized children. Learn more.

Best Wishes,

Rotarians of South Central Texas
Rotary District 5840
Rotary International

Our Team





of your goal reached









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Why Is Stuff The Bus Important?

The Communities In Schools’ (CIS) Stuff The Bus School Supply Drive is one of city's largest school supply drives that serves thousands of under-served students and families. Many of these families are below the poverty line and cannot afford all the supplies their children need to start their school year. The funds raised through this event will be given to over 100 CIS partnering schools (elementary-high school) across 12 school districts to purchase supplies for any student in need at that campus. The Stuff The Bus School Supply Drive helps to alleviate the stress of back-to-school expenses and allows students to focus on their education with the tools they need to be successful.

Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Rotary District 5840 - South Central Texas August 2020 $1,950.00
  • Anonymous On behalf of the Rotary Club of Alamo Ranch August 2020
  • Rotary International District 5840 Rotarians are passionate about supporting education. We champion the idea and are happy to support Community In Schools on this special endeavor. Learn more at www.rotary.org August 2020 $1,000.00
  • Rotary District 5840 - South Central Texas August 2020 $1,950.00
  • Rotary International District 5840 Rotarians are passionate about supporting education. We champion the idea and are happy to support Community In Schools on this special endeavor. Learn more at www.rotary.org August 2020 $1,000.00

See What Your Donations Can Provide Students:

Q GIV Pouch.jpg

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Do you have questions regarding this initiative?

Contact Community Service Chair, Carl Michel, by email communityservice@rotary5840.org.