Fundraising Toolkit

Thank you for your commitment and leadership as a Stuff The Bus team captain! This page offers additional resources to help you lead a successful fundraising campaign to collect supplies and to raise funds that will be used to purchase supplies for students in need. We are here to support you! Need additional information? Feel free to contact Jessica Hannah at

Tips for Team Captains and Fundraisers

To have a successful fundraising campaign, it's highly recommended you have regular communication with your team/network. Many of your colleagues and people in your network will be happy to participate by donating or spreading the word — but you have to ask! In every form of communication, make sure that your call-to-action is clear, and remember, to communicate the "why"... our kids need our support! 

1. Create a Team or Individual Page: Select a name that tells us who you are (i.e.. company or organization name)

2. Set a fundraising goal that’s a stretch. You can even embed your fundraising thermometer on your page! Learn how to do this by clicking here.

3. Personalize everything. When you tell people why a cause matters to you, they listen. Use your fundraising page and emails to relay a personal experience with CIS. Tell your friends and family how our mission aligns with your beliefs/values. When something matters to you, it matters to the people who know & love you!

4. Spread the word. Email your friends, family and colleagues and invite them to join your team or simply make a donation to benefit your team. Share your page on social media. Follow CIS-SA on our social media pages & share your favorite posts. Pick a day of the week (i.e.. Tuesdays) to send out messages to your email & social media networks. You should create a schedule that includes customized content that is most meaningful to you and that will connect most with your team/network. 

5. Ask more than once. It happens- people get busy and forget you asked them for help. Send out reminders by scheduling an email campaign! Not every email needs to contain a direct ask – but be sure you include a link to your personal fundraising page somewhere, like in your signature!

6. Thank your donors. Send a note, post a video, sing their praises on social media or via email! Being appreciated gives everyone that warm fuzzy feeling.


Fundraising Ideas

Here are some ideas to help raise team donations:

  • Suggest a friendly competition among your team members. Set weekly goals to beat and recognize team members who reach it first.  Some ideas include:

    • First team member to raise $xxx gets…

    • Top fundraiser gets to pick the color of your team shirts.

    • Whoever recruits the most members gets a gift card

    • Schedule a team breakfast or social hour when you reach a milestone or goal.

    • Give them frequent shout-outs on your social media and in your weekly team emails when they reach their goals.

  • Host a virtual or in person fundraising party or event to put the FUN in fundraising!

  • Add a comment to your email signatures. Example: "Please consider making a donation to Stuff The Bus" with a link to your fundraising page.

  • If you're a summer baby, ask your friends to contribute to your team instead of purchasing a gift for your birthday. 

  • Promote matching gifts! If your company matches gifts, share the information with your team in order to maximize your impact and incentivize participation. See the Matching Gifts link above for more information on this.

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