96.1 NOW Toss The Teacher Challenge
Are you ready to JUMP into the new school year? To support the Stuff The Bus School Supply Drive, the new 96.1 NOW is helping Communities In Schools of San Antonio (CIS-SA) fundraise through the Toss The Teacher competition! Teachers across San Antonio have signed up to compete to win a SKY-DIVING EXPERIENCE through Skydive Spaceland San Marcos. The teacher who raises the most for the Stuff The Bus School Supply Drive WINS! In addition, the winning teacher will receive $1,000 for his or her classroom to kick off the school year, AND the sky-diving experience will be filmed so they can bring their whole classroom along for the ride!
Registration is now closed! Scroll down to the Team Members section to view the list of participating teachers. Challenege officially ends this Friday, August 28th at 3p.m. Thank you for supporting our students and teachers!
Note: All funds raised through the Stuff The Bus School Supply Drive will go directly to Communities In Schools of San Antonio. The $1,000 cash prize will go to the winning teacher, regardless of affiliation with CIS-SA. The sky-diving experience through Skydive Spaceland San Marcos will take place the weekend of August 29-30.
Our Team
Ideal Image $8,048.50
Margie Garcia $2,360.00
Georgina Nava Garcia $2,122.50
Elizabeth Testa $1,945.50
Mary Rodriguez $1,051.00
Lisa Cisneros $357.00
Alejandro Anderson $239.75
Judy Benavidez $180.75
Angel Prado $72.50
Heather Ruiz $65.00
Michelle Sierra $56.50
Brian Kingsbury $50.00
Reannon Rodriguez $20.00
Veronica Saenz $5.00
Aniriel Garcia-Vazquez $0.00
Diana Delgado Hilldore $0.00
Monica Sauceda $0.00
Raven Riojas Team Captain $0.00
Zochil Carbajal $0.00
Laura Ruiz $0.00
View All Team Members
of your goal reached
Why Is Stuff The Bus Important?
The Communities In Schools’ (CIS) Stuff The Bus School Supply Drive is one of city's largest school supply drives that serves thousands of under-served students and families. Many of these families are below the poverty line and cannot afford all the supplies their children need to start their school year. The funds raised through this event will be given to over 100 CIS partnering schools (elementary-high school) across 12 school districts to purchase supplies for any student in need at that campus. The Stuff The Bus School Supply Drive helps to alleviate the stress of back-to-school expenses and allows students to focus on their education with the tools they need to be successful.
Recent Activity
96.1 NOW Toss the Teacher Challenge has earned the Team : Fundraising Achieved Badge
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96.1 NOW Toss the Teacher Challenge has reached their fundraising goal of $10,000.00!
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Ideal Image joined 96.1 NOW Toss the Teacher Challenge
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Gina Gaytan donated $50.00 to 96.1 NOW Toss the Teacher Challenge
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96.1 NOW Toss the Teacher Challenge has earned the Team : Most Donors Badge
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Our Supporters
- Joey Bara September 2020 $50.00
- Mary Guerreo August 2020
- Anonymous August 2020
- Anonymous August 2020
- Fidela R De La Portilla August 2020 $20.00
- Ideal Image Match August 2020 $8,048.50
- Facebook Donor August 2020 $500.00
- Facebook Donor August 2020 $351.00
- Julianna Pantoja Spreading the love for the kids of the future! August 2020 $315.00
- Advanced Cleaning Samurai Inc. Dba Cleanjng San Antonio serving San Antonio It takes a village. Time is running out to help our schools. We need more people to step up. Make this a great fundraising event. August 2020 $315.00
See What Your Donations Can Provide Students:
Do you have questions regarding this initiative?
Please contact Jessica Hannah, jhannah@cissa.org, or Felisha Sanchez, fsanchez@cissa.org.